Brenergy Energia is committed to the renewable energy sector by developing sustainable and
technical projects with responsible and environmentally friendly technologies.
Street Roquete Mendonça, 537 | PAVMTO2
São José | BH | MG | CEP 31275-030
Phone: +55.31.9 9530-7532 | 9 9873-7138
Phone: +55.31.3166-6551
Street dos Angicos, 311
Sector Comercial Norte | Sinop | MT
CEP 78550-164
Phone: +55.66.3532-5897 | 9 8413-0250
Street Francisco Ferreira de Carvalho, 868
Centro | São João do Piauí | PI
CEP 64760-000
Phone: +55.89.3483-1598
Av Beneval Boa Sorte, 336
Aeroporto Velho
Guanambi | BA
CEP 46.430-000